It is true that Bo Sanchez' maids is richer than me and it could be richer than most of us.
Last year, I subscribed a free ebook from Bo entitled "My maid Invest In the Stock Market." At first, I was so amazed how Bo did that, and not to mention how his maids understand that. He taught his maids how to invest. Hmm, how could that be possible? I once tried to open and read an article about Philippine Stock Market, and oh no! Like I can't even understand any single statement. As Bo described it, " the dialect spoken is from the planet Uranus!" okay never mind, but I'm willing to learn.
Just yesterday, after opening my email, I was so happy to be updated about the maids! The controversial maids. Bo informed that his maids are richer than many managers. Can you imagine that? Well, I say including me who is payed a higher salary than them. I think I'd like to apply to Bo as his children's nanny or private nurse. Maybe I'll be happy to be guided to my stock investment as well.
In the email, it says there that his maid invested three years ago. Then, I begun calculating. Ist year... 2nd year.. Ok it's been two years when I got a regular paying job (it's not that high payed- a starting pay if you are curious) then after another 9 months, my contract will be ending! Hello world!
I started asking do I have enough? Did I save enough?It won't be easy to start again. Yes, Bo's maid made more enough money than me!
I should start now! I just invested on Truly Rich Club. Being a member of this club has made me excited to wake up and check my email and the member's website. I am not only informed about which company to invest in but also my faith is being supplied with useful articles Bo has made.
By the way for your information Bo is a lay preacher. I consider him as an inspiration and also for many. He speaks like a fountain overflowing with dreams and faith and animated stories! He is not the typical preacher. He brings bible stories to life and understandable! He has more characteristics to mention.
Anyway, if you are interested about investing in the stock market. Well I am encouraging you but this does not apply to all. As Bo said, this is for people who have regular job or regular income. Please click the link below to learn more about investing and be richer than the maids of Bo. Isn't that challenging?
Truly Rich Club
P.S. I am not telling everybody to become rich! It is beyond getting rich and having all the things you want in the world! Bo Sanchez is not keeping himself billionaire just for himself. He is one multi billionaire using his money for his missions and charity works. Not to mention, he is not receiving any from the tithe payed by the church goers. To learn more how he became rich and why he wanted to be rich please click this link Truly Rich Club
Be a member like us who wants to donate millions for the charity! Crossing my fingers!
Please feel free to check my About Me Page
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Last year, I subscribed a free ebook from Bo entitled "My maid Invest In the Stock Market." At first, I was so amazed how Bo did that, and not to mention how his maids understand that. He taught his maids how to invest. Hmm, how could that be possible? I once tried to open and read an article about Philippine Stock Market, and oh no! Like I can't even understand any single statement. As Bo described it, " the dialect spoken is from the planet Uranus!" okay never mind, but I'm willing to learn.
Just yesterday, after opening my email, I was so happy to be updated about the maids! The controversial maids. Bo informed that his maids are richer than many managers. Can you imagine that? Well, I say including me who is payed a higher salary than them. I think I'd like to apply to Bo as his children's nanny or private nurse. Maybe I'll be happy to be guided to my stock investment as well.
In the email, it says there that his maid invested three years ago. Then, I begun calculating. Ist year... 2nd year.. Ok it's been two years when I got a regular paying job (it's not that high payed- a starting pay if you are curious) then after another 9 months, my contract will be ending! Hello world!
I started asking do I have enough? Did I save enough?It won't be easy to start again. Yes, Bo's maid made more enough money than me!
I should start now! I just invested on Truly Rich Club. Being a member of this club has made me excited to wake up and check my email and the member's website. I am not only informed about which company to invest in but also my faith is being supplied with useful articles Bo has made.
By the way for your information Bo is a lay preacher. I consider him as an inspiration and also for many. He speaks like a fountain overflowing with dreams and faith and animated stories! He is not the typical preacher. He brings bible stories to life and understandable! He has more characteristics to mention.
Anyway, if you are interested about investing in the stock market. Well I am encouraging you but this does not apply to all. As Bo said, this is for people who have regular job or regular income. Please click the link below to learn more about investing and be richer than the maids of Bo. Isn't that challenging?
Truly Rich Club
P.S. I am not telling everybody to become rich! It is beyond getting rich and having all the things you want in the world! Bo Sanchez is not keeping himself billionaire just for himself. He is one multi billionaire using his money for his missions and charity works. Not to mention, he is not receiving any from the tithe payed by the church goers. To learn more how he became rich and why he wanted to be rich please click this link Truly Rich Club
Be a member like us who wants to donate millions for the charity! Crossing my fingers!
Please feel free to check my About Me Page
If this article has inspired you in a way, please support me by clicking my fanpage below :)