Thursday, September 20, 2012


My 22-year-old sister  was awarded as a "Blood Galloner" for donating blood more than 5 times (probably 7 times already), since 2010. I was  able to donate blood two times. My sister and I are encouraging 'the capables' to donate blood for the sick. And for youself.
 All blood types are needed all over the world!

Don't you know that donating blood can give you benefits?

Let me tell you some of the benefits of donating blood.

 1. It can lower the risk of heart diseases. Letting go of blood means letting go of excess iron in the body. Iron hastens (speeds) the oxidation of cholesterol leading to damage of arteries which can cause cardiovascular diseases. This is one reason why some researchers believe that men have higher risks for cardiovascular diseases than of women. This is probably because women more likely loses blood during menstruation and pregnancy. 

2. Giving blood can stimulate your kidneys and bone marrow to produce new blood. That's the good news. The body can produce millions of red blood cells every second. The kidneys sends off a special protein called erythropoietin, passes through the blood stream going to the bone marrow. The erythropoietin sends a message to the stem cell (produced in the bone marrow) to produce more red blood cells. 

3. You will feel great helping a person who will live with your blood. Millions of people die due to loosing of blood. Donating just 470 ml from your 4.7 Liters- 5 Liters (for an average adult) won't be that much. This is giving you the choice of helping a sick from the heart. By the way, this is a voluntary act. You are unpaid for this action.

4. The red cross offers non monetary benefits such as priority in case of blood shortage, first aid kits, t-shirts or other things which the red cross organization in your community have decided to give as a sign of recognition. In Italy, they can have a paid holiday upon donation day (I hope that this happens also in the Philippines). The Malaysian Government also offers free outpatient treatment for every blood donation.

5. Free juice and cookies (sometimes bread). The blood donation centers also have funds for recognizing the generous blood donors. This small incentive is not to encourage people to donate but to simply acknowledge them for their generosity.

6. Free measurement for Blood Pressure, Blood Typing and also to check whether the person has infectious blood like Hepatitis and HIV or AIDS. This is mainly for the donor and the recipients safety. Some are deferred in donating blood due to health risks. Some donors don't know they have blood related diseases and just by donating blood, these were detected.

7. Giving blood to people who needs your blood and prioritizing yourself having blood bags for you in case you need them.

Okay, are you ready to feel great about donating your blood?

If it happens that this article helped you in some way, please like my fan page below ;)

I have decided to blog more about health related topics to promote health education. As a nurse in an Arab country, I have a hard time imparting my knowledge about health related issues specifically on nursing care due to the language. Blogging is one way of supporting information dissemination so I decided to startwriting about health issues. If you want to know more about me, please don't hesitate to check my ABOUT ME PAGE

Below are some of the websites you can look at to read more about the benefits of donating blood: